Does A Body Need to be Present at a Funeral Service?

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Visitations, or wakes, are different from funerals and cremation services in Mooreland, IN. Visitations occur before burials or cremations, and they are oftentimes for extended family, friends, and other loved ones to gather together to show condolences and support for those closest to the decedent.

Funeral services vary depending on religion, the type of services that loved ones want, or the type of person the decedent was. Visitation could be somber, solemn, and grief-stricken, or it could be a celebration where loved ones share anecdotes and good memories of the deceased. Or it could be a combination of those. It’s more about what emotions dictate.

Visitation isn’t required. If someone hosts a visitation before a funeral and disposition, you aren’t required to attend. At many visitations, the body of the deceased is displayed in an open casket in another room, so you can go by the coffin and see someone for the final time. However, if that’s not something that you can handle, there’s nothing that says you have to attend.

Who Serves as Pallbearers During the Burial Procession?

Pallbearers are usually loved ones that were closest to the decedent in life. Adult children, spouses, close friends, siblings – all could be a pallbearer to carry the weight of the decedent in the casket to the burial plot.

There are typically three pallbearers on each side of the casket, making six in total. For extra support, there could be two additional pallbearers holding up the front with extra handles, totaling eight.

There’s a common misconception that only men are chosen as pallbearers because they are stronger. However, as long as loved ones are in agreeance, both men and women can volunteer for the role of a pallbearer.

Are Children Allowed in Attendance of a Funeral?

There are no age restrictions at funerals. The allowance of children is up to loved ones in charge of those children. While death shouldn’t be kept a taboo or unaccepted topic, some people may think that their child is simply too young or too fragile to attend the funeral. And that’s okay.

Never force your child to attend a funeral if they choose not to. It’s a big decision that could affect their psyche for the rest of their lives. Ergo, you should take your child’s opinion and wants into account before deciding if they will attend a funeral or not.

Who Gives the Eulogy at Funeral Services?

Anyone can speak at a funeral. Usually, a funeral director will say a few words about the deceased, then offer the pulpit to someone else. Families and friends can share fond memories and stories of a decedent, say goodbye, and even sing if the mood strikes them.

cremation services Mooreland, IN

How Can You Prepare Emotionally for the Funeral of a Close Loved One?

Self-care has never been more important than it is at the time of the death of someone you loved. Be gentle with yourself. Don’t take on too much responsibility. Let chores fall by the wayside. Focus on yourself and your needs. Make sure you are getting enough food and water to sustain yourself, and sleep as much as your body allows.

Emotional preparation for a funeral is hard because you’re flowing through the stages of grief. Let yourself feel all of those emotions. If you need to cry, cry. If you need to leave to be by yourself, do so. Or if you need to be surrounded by friends and family, let them know. There’s no wrong way to emotionally deal with your grief.

Is There Ever a Time Where You Should Skip the Funeral of a Loved One?

There’s nothing saying that you should attend the funeral of a loved one. However, you may regret it later in life. If you know for a fact that it’s something that you can’t cope with, then there’s nothing wrong with not going. Don’t feel societal obligations to attend a funeral, but instead rely on your own feelings and intuitions.

In Lieu of Flowers, Can You Give Money as a Gift at a Funeral?

While white lilies and red carnations are typically sent in arrangements for funerals, you can also give money to help with the financial burdens that a death may have on a family. However, don’t just walk up to someone and hand them cash. Give them a card with your donation inside, but don’t make a big deal about your monetary gift. Remember that it’s still a sad time for them, so do so out of the kindness and goodness of your heart.

If you choose to give money as a gift, make it a donation that would be along the same lines as the cost for a flower arrangement. Smaller arrangements are around $30 to $50, medium arrangements are $55 to $85, and large arrangements could be $100 or more.

Why is Black a Common Color to Wear to a Funeral?

The tradition of wearing black to a funeral began in Britain when Queen Victoria wore black dresses and veils to mourning ceremonies and funerals. The trend was adopted shortly after, then spread across much of the western world. Now black is worn as a sign of solidarity in mourning and respect.

Should You Send Thank You Cards to Loved Ones that Showed Up to a Funeral?

Some people, like the widow of a decedent or an adult child of a recently deceased parent, might find it prudent to show gratitude to those that attended a funeral. While there’s no timeline to being gracious, the best time to send out thank you cards is one to three weeks after the funeral.

Additionally, thank you cards aren’t required. Most people don’t expect cards of gratitude after funeral attendance, so don’t stress yourself out if you’re unable to send cards to those that attended.

When you need more information about funerals and cremation services in Mooreland, IN, the best idea is to speak with funeral directors of different funeral homes. Their compassionate natures and respectful demeanors are meant to put you at ease, and they can answer all of your questions with understanding and direct information.