Traditional Burial and Cremation Burial

Posted on September 12, 2022 by admin under Cremation Services
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Cremation services in Mount Summit IN

Comparisons Between a Traditional Burial and Cremation Burial

Burials and cremations are often compared, and there are different opinions on the subject. Both choices are well-rooted in the funeral industry, with a high demand-supply to match. If you need a cremation, you can get quality services like cremation services in Mount Summit, IN.


It is an efficient method for burial, typically known for the flexible nature of remains. Cremation does not dispose of the body as it is. Instead, it reduces it to fine ash using extreme heat in a cremator.

The remains from the cremator have to be crushed to get a more delicate texture for the ashes. You can discard the ashes however you want; you can be creative with the ashes.

Traditional Burials

This old burial method discards bodies by keeping them beneath the soil. Under the earth, the body gradually decomposes over time without interference.

Bodies are often embalmed before they are buried. They can also be embalmed for cremations, depending on your arrangements.

Containers are essential to traditional burials. You must encase a body before burial to ensure the least amount of interference.


  • Final disposition. Burying remains a method used by burials and cremations. However, cremation ashes can also be stored or scattered. Cremation does not leave a marked site for visitations if it is not buried.
  • Remain Holders. Coffins and caskets hold bodies for traditional burials, while urns are used for cremations. Each of those containers varies in size, type, and prize.
  • Time. The body spends hours in the cremator to get to its reduced state. It would take a body several years to be decomposed entirely underground.
  • Basic Costs. The primary expense for cremation is the crematorium fee. Although the basic figures will change, expect to spend more on a traditional burial.
  • Funeral Services. There are not so many differences in their funeral services. You can have visitations or a wake keep before you bury the body either way.
  • Apart from a graveside funeral, any other funeral type stays the same. The difference in a graveside funeral is location; traditional burials must be held onCremation service in Mount Summit IN land, but you can scatter remains anywhere.
  • Transportation. If you do not want to use a special service, you can move a body on your own so long as you have a permit. There are more regulations if the movement is between states or outside the country.
  • There are fewer regulations on the transportation of ashes. Apart from airport regulations that affect urn types, you can move ashes as much as you want. Some mail services will deliver cremation remains for you.
  • Beliefs. Some people do not agree with slowly decomposing in a container. Others do not agree with burning in a box. However, religions that are sided on the comparison do not agree with cremation.

Both burials are unique so you can adapt any for your use. While considering cremation, check out cremation services in Mount Summit, IN. Their experts will help you if you can’t decide or plan on your own.